Alphorn maker – Cattaneo

From the very first contact with Bruno Cattaneo by e-mail, one senses his infectious enthusiasm and engaging cordiality. He connects alphorn blowing and the craft of alphorn making with a lot of positive emotions. Bruno is a trained carpenter. The company Cattaneo and Kunz – Bruno together with his business partner Gioel Kunz, occasionally supported by his father Claudio Cattaneo – carries out a wide variety of flooring, carpentry and joinery work. The production of alphorns has proved to be

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Alphorn maker – Suissewood Alpensax

Simon Keller has been playing the alphorn for seven years. During this time, he happened to come across a picture of an Alpine sax on the Internet and was immediately fascinated. Soon he set about building his own instrument. He drew plans, a colleague helped him program the CNC files, and Roland Zahner milled the blanks. As a trained toolmaker, Simon took over the finish. After 120 hours of work, Model 1.0 was ready. Disillusionment followed: the instrument did not

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Alphorn maker – woodARTmusic

Anton “Toni” von Gunten began his musical career in early childhood. From the violin he moved on to the clarinet and brass band. He graduated in wind band conducting, later working as a clarinet and saxophone teacher. Besides, he always dealt with wood; he built original“urchrummi” furniture during several years. He owes his entry into the alphorn to the reputation of alphorn maker Tobias Bärtschi, whom he had known since recruit school in the army band – the brass band

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Overtone music in 432Hz

Since 1975 the ISO standard 16-1975 is valid (here you can buy it for 40 CHF). It sets the concert pitch a1 at a frequency of 440Hz. As early as 1939, this tuning was agreed upon at a conference in London and endorsed as a recommendation by the ISO in 1955. With its adoption as a standard, unification was sealed, promoting musical exchange, trade of musical instruments and audio equipment. Already in the 1980s some people rejected the standard and

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Alphorn maker – helvetic alphorn

After suffering a heart attack, Roland Zahner decided to rearrange his priorities in 2009. He downsized from his office job and resumed the manual labor he had neglected since becoming an apprentice model carpenter. He found a first new project with the“Wiler Hofpferden” – noble wooden rocking horses in the range and logo of Franz Carl Weber. Then the accidental contact with Gérald Pot in January 2010 was groundbreaking. Pot told him about his work as an alphorn maker and

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Alphorn maker – Aebi

Hans Aebi knows how wood processing works. As a master wood turner, he has five decades of experience in this. After apprenticeship and years of wandering, he successfully built up his own woodturning business from 1990. In doing so, he had to constantly adapt to the changing demand for wood products and evolve in modern manufacturing processes. This knowledge of working with CNC machines helped him when he started making alphorns in 2014. At the same time he got into

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Alphorn maker – Bernatone

From Unspunnen Castle near Interlaken, the venue of the first alphorn meeting in 1805, a road leads seven kilometers up to Habkern. There Heinz Tschiemer builds the Bernatone alphorns. The closeness to tradition is not limited to geography: for Heinz, the alphorn is part of the pastoral culture in which he grew up and is firmly rooted. In addition to alpine horns, his family produces mountain cheese on their own farm; his father has a sawmill that also supplies the

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The watering can alphorn

What is the best home depot alphorn? While beginners used to practice with garden hoses, you can now find various experiments on YouTube with sanitary pipes and cardboard tubes, with wooden slats, flower pots and hoses of all kinds. I have tried out a few things myself. The watering can alphorn convinced me the most. Yes, the watering can is superior to the vulgar garden hose! Here’s a quick taste: Depending on the tuning, the instrument consists of pieces of

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