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Alphorn seminar Diemtigtal

Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp Schwenden

With four experienced musicians and alphorn teachers, the seminar at the Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp in Schwenden, Diemtigtal, was a complete success in 2023. First info 2024: Included in the price - Lunch (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) incl. Non-alcoholic drinks in the Kurhaus - Seminar room, practice areas and other infrastructure To be paid additionally - other meals & accommodation - for participants not sleeping at the Kurhaus: CHF 84.- per participant (meal supplement, infrastructure) Course/concert program: This is currently being


Alphorn building week 30/2024

Ossingen - Wetter Instrumente Steinerstr. 27, Ossingen

The alphorn, which is over three meters long, is milled and turned with the help of CNC milling machines and semi-mechanical special machines and then assembled by hand into a fully functional instrument. The alphorn is in three parts, its basic pitch in F sharp/G flat. The course begins with an individual preparation day by arrangement and continues with six course days in the course workshop in Ossingen.


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