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Alphorn seminar Diemtigtal

Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp Schwenden

With four experienced musicians and alphorn teachers, the seminar at the Hotel Kurhaus Grimmialp in Schwenden, Diemtigtal, was a complete success in 2023. First info 2024: Included in the price - Lunch (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) incl. Non-alcoholic drinks in the Kurhaus - Seminar room, practice areas and other infrastructure To be paid additionally - other meals & accommodation - for participants not sleeping at the Kurhaus: CHF 84.- per participant (meal supplement, infrastructure) Course/concert program: This is currently being


Stage de perfectionnement au cor des Alpes – Olivier Brisville

Nendaz Nendaz

Afin de progresser plus rapidement, des stages de perfectionnement, sous forme de masterclass d'une durée de cinq jours, sont donnés par Olivier Brisville, plusieurs fois finaliste et vainqueur du Festival International de Cor des Alpes autant en solo qu'en groupe avec Les Briançonneurs. If the weather permits, the courses take place outside in the Pra da Dzeu region, because it is there that the Alpine coral is in its natural setting and enjoys the best sunshine. Dans le cas contraire,


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